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Chinese translation for "dappled gray"


Related Translations:
dappled:  斑纹的花的有斑点的有斑毛的杂色的
dapple:  n.1.斑纹。2.花斑马(等)。adj.有斑纹的,花斑的。vt.,vi.(使)起斑纹。 a dappled deer 梅花鹿。 a dappled shade 斑斑点点的树荫。
dapple gray:  灰黑花的
dappled glaze:  斑纹釉
dappled tobacco:  斑纹烟
blue dapple:  蓝色斑纹
dapple bay:  粟色而有斑点的
dappled kimono silk:  扎染和服绸
gray level:  灰度级 和数字图像的像素相关连的值,表示由该像素的原始景物点的亮度灰阶灰色电平
nervous gray:  神经灰质
Example Sentences:
1.Chapter 47 the dappled grays
2.But to you , at least , m . debray , i need not give a further description , because to you my beautiful pair of dappled grays were well known
3." then listen to me . ere long a carriage will dash past here , drawn by the pair of dappled gray horses you saw me with yesterday ; now , at the risk of your own life , you must manage to stop those horses before my door .
“待会儿有一辆马车要经过这儿,拉车的是两匹灰色有斑纹的马,就是昨天你看见我用的那一对,现在,你必须冒着生命的危险,在我的门前拉住那两匹马。 ”
4.Then , commencing a loud whistling noise , he rubbed them well all over their bodies for several minutes ; then , undisturbed by the noisy crowd collected round the broken carriage , ali quietly harnessed the pacified animals to the count s chariot , took the reins in his hands , and mounted the box , when to the utter astonishment of those who had witnessed the ungovernable spirit and maddened speed of the same horses , he was actually compelled to apply his whip in no very gentle manner before he could induce them to start ; and even then all that could be obtained from the celebrated " dappled grays , " now changed into a couple of dull , sluggish , stupid brutes , was a slow , pottering pace , kept up with so much difficulty that madame de villefort was more than two hours returning to her residence in the faubourg st . honor
阿里的确证明了这一点。他走近那两匹被人费了很大的劲才扶起来的马,用浸过香油的海绵擦了擦它们那满是汗和白沫的前额与鼻孔,于是它们几乎立刻就呼噜呼噜地喘起粗气来,并且浑身不停地颤抖了几秒钟。然后,也不管那围观在马车周围的人群多么嘈杂,阿里静静地把那两匹驯服了的马套到了伯爵的四轮轻便马车上,把缰绳握在了手里,爬上了车头的座位,然后他“罗! ”
5.Two hours afterwards , madame danglars received a most flattering epistle from the count , in which he entreated her to receive back her favorite " dappled grays , " protesting that he could not endure the idea of making his entry into the parisian world of fashion with the knowledge that his splendid equipage had been obtained at the price of a lovely woman s regrets
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